May 30, 2018
| 3 min read
Some of the biggest issues seen in the IoT industry right now pertains to expensive devices which leads to a problem of scale. The value of the IoT comes in numbers, with everything being connected and communicating amongst each other. With a high pricing structure, it is impossible to get to this ideal point which is why things have been slow in implementation. Bruce speaks on how pricing is however slowly finding its way down which is allowing for more devices to be bought and used which will eventually lead to scale lowering the price of the devices. Once this point is reached we will see the IoT in a way that it has been talked about for years. There isn’t one type of service to rule them all. There will always be cellular or LPWAN deployments or LoRa deployments for any different type of applications which means there will be many overlapping networks. Bruce talks about how many customers may need these multiple types of networks and how providers are able to create packages to adapt to these different needs. Listen to this episode of the podcast to find out how these solutions work and how once these networks are there, they are available to those who end up needing them.
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