Momenta Insights

Andrew Lamb | Digital Thread Podcast | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | November 22, 2023

Shaping the Future: A Dialogue with Andrew Lamb on Connectivity in Manufacturing


Welcome to Episode 219 of the Momenta Digital Thread podcast series! In this episode, we are honored to host Andrew Lamb, Chair of the Internet of Production Alliance, a visionary organization that revolutionizes manufacturing through decentralized and distributed networks.


Empowering the Masses Through Production

For over two decades, Andrew Lamb has been on a mission to enhance traditional mass production through the innovative concept of 'production by the masses.' His unique perspective stems from a background in international development aid and humanitarian disaster relief. Andrew has ventured into areas that pose challenges for globalized supply chains, focusing on localizing solutions and harnessing the power of 3D Printing, digital fabrication, maker spaces, and conventional manufacturing techniques.


Innovations in Humanitarian Aid

Andrew's impactful work has produced critical humanitarian aid items in response to conflicts, natural calamities, and ongoing crises. By leveraging a combination of cutting-edge technologies and traditional methods, he has paved the way for more effective and sustainable solutions in disaster-stricken regions.


Building Essential Infrastructures for Distributed Manufacturing

At the forefront of building essential infrastructure, Andrew is initiating systemic changes necessary to facilitate distributed manufacturing. His multifaceted role includes consulting with and advocating for governments and donors, influencing the global maker movement, collaborating with national manufacturing and engineering organizations, and setting industry standards, codes, best practices, and guidelines.


Andrew's Contributions and Ventures

Andrew's commitment extends to multiple foundations, including the Appropedia Foundation. He presides over two companies: Massive Small Manufacturing in the United Kingdom and Distributed Manufacturing in Kenya. These enterprises embody his dedication to reshaping manufacturing landscapes both globally and locally.


Join the Conversation with Andrew Lamb

Andrew shares his experiences, challenges, and triumphs in decentralized manufacturing in this insightful episode. Learn how he envisions the future of production and the role of distributed networks in transforming the manufacturing industry.


 Discussion Points:

  • What would you consider your digital thread (the one or more thematic threads that define your digital industry journey)?
  • After graduating from Cambridge, one of your early defining roles was CEO of Engineers Without Borders. Please tell us a bit about the organization and your focus within it.
  • You’ve contributed your leadership to several humanitarian organizations, such as UNESCO, the World Bank Group, and REDR UK, always focused on engineering-related endeavors. What attracted you to this intersection of humanitarian goals and manufacturing skills?
  • Let’s jump into the Internet of Production Alliance you founded in 2019. What is your origin story and focus?
  • What have been some of your notable wins?
  • We frequently discuss the concept of 'reshoring,' which involves bringing manufacturing back to Europe and North America.  I'm curious to know how much Africa benefits from these trends.
  • Several smart manufacturing initiatives have been launched over the past decade, including Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Digital Thread, and Shoestring Digital Manufacturing. How would you compare and contrast your efforts with those of others?
  • I see you’re the Chair of FabLab Winam, a vibrant maker space in Kisumu, Kenya. Can you talk about the impact of the initiative?
  • You recently also became a board member for the Global Innovation Gathering, a global network of social and technological innovators. What are some of the best practices you’ve seen for fostering innovation hubs?
  • In closing, where do you find your inspiration? (i.e., book recommendations, articles, podcasts, people, etc.)

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