Momenta Insights

Podcast #135 AnteNNa Innovation

Written by Ken Forster | April 14, 2021

Curiosity and a passion for Innovation!

In this week’s podcast, Ken Forster interviews Carles Puente, VP innovation and founder of Ignion

Dr. Puente was most recently, the co-founder at Fractus and Fractus Antennas where he was co-inventor of Virtual Antenna, the technology that enables IoT and Mobile devices to embed a tiny chip antenna component to deliver full mobile connectivity. Carles was nominated to the European Inventor Award (2014), named Technology Pioneers by the World Economic Forum (2005) and awarded the IST Grand Prize by the European Commission (1998). He is an inventor in 145 patents, has co-authored 150 scientific papers, and is a professor at BarcelonaTech (UPC), where he earned his PhD. He has taught graduate courses on technology and patent management at Penn-Wharton, ESADE Business School and CEIPI.

Some of the discussion points during this interview were:

  • You co-founded Fractus in 1999. What problem were you trying to solve and for whom?
  • You just rebranded as Ignion what does the new brand mean to your company and mission?
  • What do you see for the next decade in mobile wireless connectivity?
  • What has your experience been working with the EU, and what would you advise startups considering taking early investments?
  • As a successful serial entrepreneur, what makes Barcelona a great place for startups?

Carles is inspired by

  • Everything that relates to solving problems, creating new things, and helping to make in a way contributing to making a better world, not only in the field of science but in terms of society!
  • My kids, I learn a lot from them, and it’s great to be close with family and friends.

Make sure to tune in….


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