Momenta Insights

Podcast #162 The Fog of Industry

Written by Ken Forster | November 3, 2021

FogHorn Systems Brings AI to the Edge


Ken Forster speaks with David C. King, CEO of FogHorn Systems, a Silicon Valley startup that provides edge intelligence software for industrial and commercial IoT applications.

David co-founded AirTight Networks, a technological pioneer in secure-managed Wi-Fi, before joining FogHorn. He served as chairman and CEO, guiding the company through four successive rounds of venture capital funding. Prior to joining AirTight, he was the chairman, president, and CEO of Proxim, a WLAN pioneer and the first publicly traded Wi-Fi company. David guided Proxim to a successful IPO in December 1993, doubling revenue 20 times as CEO. He was on the boards of Netopia, Cayman Systems, and Mobilestar, all pioneering businesses in the broadband access and networking industries. David holds a BA in Economics and an MBA and JD degrees, from Harvard University.

FogHorn Systems produces edge intelligence software designed to deliver real-time industrial-grade analytics to resource-constrained edge devices. The company's software augments edge computing with machine learning to bring intelligence to industrial Internet-of-Things (IoT), which works with mainstream IoT platforms in the public cloud and can be integrated with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

The FogHorn Lightning™ Edge AI platform solution brings the power of analytics, machine learning, and AI to the on-premise edge environment vs. the cloud. With real-time intelligence, organizations can make informed decisions and automate actions to reduce energy usage, streamline processes, maximize asset health and ensure a safe and healthy workplace.


Key Discussion Points:

  • What would you consider to be your 'Digital Thread'?
  • What attracted you to joining FogHorn? And more importantly, the industrial IOT space that it represents?
  • Can you talk about some of your key use cases and wins?
  • How does FogHorn stay a step ahead of the competition?
  • Do you believe FogHorn is on track in terms of your projected trajectory? Or do you believe things have slowed down? If so, please explain why.
  • How can you tell when a company is ready to use FogHorn? What are some of the best practices you've observed in companies that are gaining benefit from these platforms?
  • Given this 'tech migration,' how have things altered in Silicon Valley in terms of starting a business, work-life balance, and so on? Is it everything the press claims it to be?


Connect With David King via LinkedIn 


David's Inspiration Comes From...

Aside from books, David finds inspiration in success stories in technology. He cites Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Scott McNealy, and Larry Ellison - ALL true disruptors in their respective industries. David also looks up to strong managers and leaders like Microsoft's Satya Nadella, Adobe's Shantanu Narayen, Palo Alto Networks' Nikesh Arora, and AMD's Lisa Su.


About FogHorn Systems:

FogHorn Systems is a developer of "edge intelligence" software for industrial and commercial IoT application solutions. FogHorn's software platform brings the power of advanced analytics and machine learning to the on-premises edge environment enabling a new class of applications for advanced monitoring and diagnostics, machine performance optimization, proactive maintenance, and operational intelligence use cases. FogHorn's technology is ideally suited for OEMs, systems integrators, and end customers in manufacturing, power, and water, oil, and gas, renewable energy, mining, transportation, healthcare, retail, as well as smart grid, smart city, smart building, and connected vehicle applications.


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