Momenta Insights

Podcast #73: Designing Intelligent Spaces

Written by Momenta | October 30, 2019

Usman Haque, CEO of Thingful and Founding Partner of Umbrellium, has used his training as an architect to inform an extensive career designing smart city projects. His work at Umbrellium goes much further than what is typically thought of as smart cities – he has applied a creative approach to create greater engagement of citizens in public spaces, anticipating changes and evolution to deliver a better quality of life. We discuss the considerations involved in designing and implementing projects and the approach to take, the value of platforms and toolkits (along with the evolution of Pachube and the Urban Innovation Toolkit) as well as Thingful, the IoT data search engine.   


Our Own Metaphor: A Personal Account of a Conference on the Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation (Advances in Systems Theory, Complexity & the Human Sciences)  by Mary Catherine Bateson


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