Momenta Insights

Podcast #1 Clean Disruption of Energy & Transportation

Written by Ed Maguire | February 27, 2018

Tony Seba’s work on the impact of disruptive technologies has been highly influential to major decision makers in the investment community, in industry and governments worldwide.  Our conversation explored the principles behind his framework for analyzing disruptive technologies, then we dove into the thesis behind his 2014 book Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation. Tony discusses how the cost curves for solar, batteries, electric vehicles and autonomous cars have followed his predictions to the letter (batteries are even cheaper than he forecast).  He shares the bold prediction that 2021 will be the year the Level 4 self-driving cars hit the mainstream and give rise to an ecosystem of Transportation as a Service businesses that provide transportation at 10X cheaper than today.  Tony foresees that the 2020s will be a decade a major disruption across all industries, as households on average will be able to save $6,000 per year on auto expenses and the resulting boost will generate trillions of dollars of value throughout the economy.  Our conversation explored Tony also shares his advice for auto companies, and those in the oil business – as well as others facing significant disruption. 

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Momenta Edge Podcast.


This podcast will feature expert interviews with leading practitioners and thinkers across Connected Industry and the technology disruption landscape. 

When it comes to tech, the news cycle moves fast as we are faced with new issues, research, and developments on a daily basis. Many people struggle to find time to read the news, and here at Momenta, we're no different. We're lucky at Momenta as we interact every day with thought leaders within the different IIoT verticals. Thus, we've decided to produce our own podcast  that explores IIoT and Connected Industry with input from the news makers.

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