Momenta Insights

Dominik Obermaier | Digital Thread Podcast | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | January 17, 2024

Understanding The Data Driven Enterprise with Dominik Obermaier


Welcome to episode 223 of our Momenta Digital Thread podcast series. We are excited to host Dominik Obermaier, CTO and Co-founder of HiveMQ, the most trusted MQTT platform. 

Understanding MQTT: MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. It's a simple, lightweight messaging protocol often used in the Internet of Things (IoT). It helps devices communicate efficiently in constrained networks, making it ideal for IoT applications.

Dominik Obermaier’s Background: Dominik, co-author of "The Technical Foundations of IoT," is a member of OASIS, an international open source and standards consortium Technical Committee. He is also part of the standardization committee for MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5. A frequent speaker on topics such as IoT, MQTT, and messaging, he holds a BS in Informatik from the Hochschule Landshut in Southern Bavaria.

Invaluable Insights: This episode takes a closer look at Dominik's journey, touching on key moments such as receiving recognition for the best Bachelor Thesis in Southern Bavaria and his inspiration for co-founding HiveMQ. It also explores HiveMQ’s role in assisting clients with use cases such as BMW and Netflix in building data foundations for connected products, with a look into the company’s future after a $43 million Series A round in mid-2022.

Tune in to learn more about the data driven enterprise from this impactful leader and under-stand why renowned brands such as Audi, Unilever and Siemens trust HiveMQ.


 Discussion Points:

  • Your Digital Thread: What would you consider your digital thread (the one or more thematic threads that define your digital industry journey)?

  • Academic Journey: In 2012, you were honored for the best Bachelor Thesis in Southern Bavaria. What was the focus of this thesis?

  • Early Career Insights: What were some of the key insights from your early work across a manufacturing system integrator and a data center provider relative to enterprise data
  • The Birth of HiveMQ: What inspired you and your co-founders to start the company in 2012?
  • Empowering Connectivity: You describe the past 10 years at HiveMQ as “helping customers build the data foundation and insights they need to create new connected products, find new efficiencies through automation, and scale their business within the demands of a real-time communications environment with MQTT.” How do you achieve that?
  • Success Stories: What would you consider to be some of your notable wins with clients such as BMW, Daimler, Netflix, SiriusXM, and beyond?
  • When To Adopt HiveMQ: How do you know when an organization is ready to adopt your solution, and what best practices have you seen for realizing that potential value? 
  • The Impact of AI: To what degree do you see GenAI impacting industrial systems and HiveMQ?
  • Preparing For The Future: After closing a $43m Series A round in mid-2022, what can we expect to see from HiveMQ over the next year?
  • Inspiration Source: In closing, where do you find your inspiration? (i.e., book recommendations, articles, podcasts, people, etc.)


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