Momenta Insights

Podcast #139 Fog Man

Written by Ken Forster | May 12, 2021

Perspectives on Fog and Edge computing!

In this week’s podcast, Ken Forster interviews Flavio Bonomi, Founder of Nebbiolo.

Dr. Bonomi is a technology expert and visionary with experience that spans from low-level devices and silicon to the broad level of networking and computing systems. He spent 14 years at Cisco Systems, leading advanced R&D, and was named a Cisco Fellow. He also literally coined the term ‘Fog Computing’. Prior to Cisco, Flavio worked at several Bay Area startups and was at AT&T Bell Labs, where he was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University as well as a BSc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy. A consummate learner, he has published 100+ papers in technical journals and conference proceedings and is a co-inventor in 60+ USA and International Patents.


Some of the discussion points during this interview were:

  • What were some of your early wins and lessons learned at the several networking startups?
  • What were some of the highlights as a distinguished engineer, a VP, and Head of Advanced Architecture and Research at Cisco Systems?
  • You coined the term ‘Fog Computing’. What was this new pattern you were describing?
  • What compelled you to start Nebbiolo and to focus on the Industrial Automation space and what were some of your key use cases and wins?
  • You exited the company to long-time investor TTTech. What were some of your lessons learned and what would you have done differently?
  • What do you see in the next decade for Edge / Fog – especially in Digital Industry?
  • So, now that Nebbiolo is behind you, what’s next?

 Make sure to tune in….



If you're interested in connecting with Fabio, check out his LinkedIn!


About Nebbiolo Technologies
Nebbiolo Technologies, founded in 2015, is a California-based company with global deployments of its Intelligent Edge Software Platform. The company’s mission is to develop and apply the new Edge Computing paradigm to digitally transform industrial systems across industry.


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