Momenta Insights

Podcast #128: Full-Stack Innovation | IoT Security | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | February 24, 2021


Motivated by growing initiatives into sizeable businesses!

In this week’s podcast, Ken Forster interviews Hardy Schmidbauer, Senior Vice President of IoT for Kudelski Group, the world leader in digital security, headquartered in Switzerland and Arizona.

Hardy is a seasoned executive and entrepreneur in the wireless, semiconductor and IoT sectors, with a 20-year career spanning from executive management to design engineering, marketing, business development, and start-up founder. He played an instrumental role in the development of the wireless and IoT ecosystem through management, R&D, and marketing roles in support of LoRa, LoRaWAN and other wireless protocols. Among the other companies he has worked for are Silicon Labs, Semtech Corporation, and DSP Group. Hardy holds an MBA from Santa Clara University and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Oregon State University.


Some of the discussion points during this interview:

  • How did your early work position you to play a leading role in LoRaWan at Semtech?
  • What was the inspiration for founding TrackNet?
  • What is your mandate as SVP of IoT for Kudelski Group?
  • What is the focus of your just-launched RecovR for Dealers?
  • What do you see as the key opportunity areas for IoT security in the next 5 years?
  • What do you enjoy more: Entrepreneur or Corporate leader?
Hardy is inspired by the following:
  •  "With the opportunity to take part in the World Economic Forum, it was inspiring to see leaders such as CloudSwap discussing different elements of business and economy, and also really trying to drive change for the benefit of humanity."
  • "The people around me, my family, the great teams, and people that I’ve had the opportunity to work with."

 Make sure to tune in….


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