Momenta Insights

Gary Chandler | Digital Roadmap Podcast | QiO | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | February 23, 2022

AI-Powered Industrial Sustainability

In this episode, Ken Forster talks with Gary Chandler, Chief Technology Officer of QiO Technologies.

QiO is a limited business based in London that provides AI solutions to maximize industrial assets. It is a software firm that provides advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to global industrials and manufacturers in order to significantly increase operational efficiency and productivity, improve safety, and create new, high-margin income streams.


Gary has over 30 years of experience in developing real-time embedded software control systems for safety-critical applications, mostly in the aerospace industry. Gary worked for Rolls Royce for 25 years, first as Chief Engineer for engine control systems and then as Chief Data Architect and Head of Software. He has spent the last five years at QiO focusing on bringing Internet of Things solutions to large industrials to assist them in generating value and realizing their digital roadmap.


Discussion Points:

  • What would you consider to be your 'Digital Thread'?
  • In an age where we are inundated with terms such as "servitization" and "X as a Service," I want to take you back to 1962 when the Bristol Siddeley company filed the trademark for "Power by the Hour." Here we sit 60 years later, and the trademarked term is still used daily to describe XaaS. To set some context, perhaps take us back to your earliest experiences with this program at Rolls Royce.
  • Industrial OEM clients typically cite the CapEx to recurring revenue models. But Rolls Royce has long used this model. Then, how did you apply this attitude to your regular engineering and operational tasks? What do you think set you apart from your competition which was still catching up?
  • You became Chief Data Architect for Rolls Royce in 2014 and then Head of Software in 2016. What was your mandate at the time, and what would you say are your key learnings from having held this leadership position in such a prominent industrial OEM? 

  • In 2017, you came over to QiO. What inspired you to make the jump to a pure software company from the work you had done prior? 

  • QiO delivers an AI-augmented foresight suite of solutions to accelerate digital transformation, revenue growth, and sustainability for the global industrial sector. What does that mean? 

  • Can you share some of your early use cases and wins? 

  • How do you know when an organization is ready to adopt your solution, and what best practices have you seen in realizing that potential value? 


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