Jesse DeMesa, Venture Partner with Momenta Partners, will join a panel discussion titled "Investors Panel – investing and innovating with new technologies and companies" at the IoT in Oil and Gas conference on September 14th at 11 a.m. in Houston, Texas.
Jesse will be available to meet up September 13, 14 or 15 - make sure to connect!
"Investors Panel – investing and innovating with new technologies and companies" September 14, @11:00 a.m.
The panel will discuss how operators are leveraging startups and new technologies and the challenges to working with and integrating new startups and technologies.
Moderator: Mike Mueller, Director, Houston Technology Center
Pannelists: Corey Steffek, Managing Director, Saudi Aramco Ventures
Tyler Williams, Technology Venturing Manager, Shell Technology Ventures
Jesse DeMesa, Principal Partner, Momenta Partners
Event Details
The 3rd Annual IoT in Oil and Gas conference (September 13-14, 2017) has grown in leaps and bounds with more than 250 attendees this year alone. The event will explore how organizations can overcome emerging and existing challenges such as cyber-security, lack of standardization, legacy installed bases, and liability of current technologies.