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John Sirianni | Digital Thread Podcast | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | October 25, 2023

The Quantum Vision: John Sirianni's Impact on Cybersecurity and Innovation


Welcome to the 217th episode of our Momenta Digital Thread podcast series, a platform where we bring you the most innovative minds in the tech industry. We’re thrilled to have John Sirianni, the visionary behind Quantum Cybersecurity International, join us on the Digital Thread Podcast.


John’s dedication to technology and innovative problem-solving have led him to transform cybersecurity solutions in the semiconductor, device, and communications industries. His pioneering approach and deep industry knowledge have established him as a respected figure in the field.


John’s professional journey encompasses engineering, enterprise software, machine learning, and high-performance computing. His knack for connecting theoretical concepts with practical applications has positioned him as a significant influencer in the technological landscape.


John’s career can be divided into three distinct phases. Initially, he concentrated on developing and deploying advanced engineered systems. He then transitioned into sales and marketing roles, commercializing deep-tech innovations. In the past decade, he has assumed CEO roles, led international corporate restructurings, and offered strategic advisory services, particularly cybersecurity and quantum innovations.


In this podcast episode, we’ll delve into John’s career trajectory, including the inception of Quantum Cybersecurity International.


Stay tuned for an enlightening conversation with John Sirianni on the Digital Thread Podcast!


 Discussion Points:

  • What would you consider your digital thread (the one or more thematic threads that define your digital industry journey)?
  • You’ve been at the forefront of embedded computing and cybersecurity since 2010 with leadership roles at Intel, Webroot, Carrier iQ, and Techniche. If you had to summarize that time down into three insights relative to edge security, what would they be?
  • You founded QCI (Quantum Cybersecurity International) in 2019. What inspired you to start the company, and what is your focus?
  • Quantum computing is still a nascent technology. What exactly is it, and how soon will it become real?
  • You’ve worked with both Patero and QWERX, both providers of quantum-resistant security. What exactly is quantum-resistant security, and why is it important?
  • Your focus on cybersecurity puts you at the forefront of several key digitization trends in the US, including reshoring and the energy transition. Where do you see the greatest challenges and opportunities?
  • What are some of the key trends and technologies you’re watching these days?
  • How to learn more about Quantum Cybersecurity International.
  • In closing, where do you find your personal inspiration? (i.e., book recommendations, articles, podcasts, people, etc.)

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