Momenta Insights

Tony Paine I Digital Leadership Podcast | HighByte

Written by Ken Forster | August 5, 2020

Tony Paine is the Co-Founder and CEO of Momenta Ventures’ portfolio company HighByte, a company providing Industrial DataOps. For the past 20 years, Tony has immersed himself in industrial software development and strategy at Kepware, most recently serving as CEO, leading the company through a successful exit to PTC in 2016.  In addition, Tony has contributed to a variety of technical working groups, helping to shape the direction of standards used within the Automation Industry. As a strong advocate for STEM initiatives, he currently sits on the Dean’s Advisory Council for the University of Maine’s College of Engineering where he provides industry insight and evangelism around education in the area of technology. 


In our conversation, Tony shares his digital industry journey and how from a young age he knew he wanted to drive software technology advancements. He describes the founding of HightByte, their connectivity solutions and the importance of the DataOps layer. He touches on the criticality of connectivity, and why he thinks there are limited industry options even today. Finally, he shares his thoughts on the lasting impact of COVID-19 and its result in accelerating company’s digital transformation timelines. 



Measure What Matters by John Doerr 


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