Momenta Insights

Jaap Groot I Digital Leadership Podcast | Fractus Antennas

Written by Ken Forster | September 9, 2020

This week’s episode features Jaap Groot, CEO of Fractus Antennas, a company providing some of the world’s smallest antennas. In our conversation, Jaap discusses his digital industry journey beginning as a serial entrepreneur in the geolocation space. He shares the inspiration behind the move into (Low Power, Wide Area Networks) LPWAN, and his controversial predictions for the future of LPWAN. He provides an overview of Fractus Antennas and the problem they are trying to solve. Lastly, he shares his opinion on COVID-19’s reset on edge computing as well as interesting startups in the space. 

Jaap Groot has founded, built and sold  several  businesses during his career and worked for Qualcomm,  MiX Telematics and Sigfox. He  was most recently  VP Business Development for the LoRa team at Semtech as well as driving Industry Alliances as  Vice President Europe at the LoRa Alliance and Co-Chair of the IoT Workgroup at the Wireless Broadband Alliance.  Jaap graduated with an MS, Physics and Management from Eindhoven University of Technology.  



Radical Candor by Kim Scott 

No Try Only Do: Building a Business on Purpose, Alignment and Accountability by Andy Bailey


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