Momenta Insights

John Candish I Digital Leadership Podcast | Sinch

Written by Ken Forster | July 14, 2021
Momenta · #148 conversation with John Candish - Sinch

Building Mobile Connectivity Ecosystems for Enterprises and Mobile Operators

In this week’s podcast, Ken Forster interviews John Candish, who has been developing and scaling connectivity companies for over 25 years. Coming out of early 3G wireless services work at Nortel, John founded Xtempus a company focused on enabling messaging services between mobile operators. He subsequently sold this to Cable and Wireless scaling the digital interconnect business across subsequent owners, Sybase, SAP, and now at Sinch.

Some of the discussion points during this interview:

  • What would you consider to be your digital thread?
  • After formative work at Nortel, you founded Xtempus in 2000. What problem did you set out to solve and for whom?
  • You engineered a sale of this business line to Sybase. What were your key learnings scaling up this business?
  • Following SAP's acquisition of Sybase in 2013, you scaled this yet again to create SAP's Digital Interconnect. What were some of your key use cases and wins at SAP?
  • Now considering the past 21 years since you created Xtempus, the roots of which continue to scale today, what did you call right in your early vision, and what has surprised you?


Trends to Watch Relative to Digital Interconnectivity:

  • The most interesting area is connectivity between different platforms and services.
  • Technologies and companies that are providing the glue to build ecosystems. 
  • Interoperability between devices and services to build ecosystems around industry 4.0 and around the digitalization of companies and bringing all that disparate data together and managing it in a way that is useful, but also allows you to connect new technologies different vendors and different sources of the information without needing to continually build everything from the ground up all over again.


If you're interested in connecting with John, check out his LinkedIn!


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