Momenta Insights

L. Thomas Rowley I A China Perpsective I Uncommon Perspectives Podcast

Written by Ken Forster | January 29, 2020

L. Thomas Rowley is an experienced technology professional who has worked extensively in China. Early in his career, Tom worked in systems integration and IT for a Taiwan-based company. Tom then moved to China, where he served as an Executive Director of IT at China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC). Tom spent six years at CNOOC where he led the implementation of a plantwide IT project for Huizhou Refinery, which at the time was Asia’s largest refinery. Tom subsequently worked as Chief Information Officer at China National BlueStar.

In our conversation, Tom and I explored the differences between American and Chinese approaches to digital transformation and delved into what each country does well with respect to digital technology. The discussion then shifted towards assessing how artificial intelligence and machine learning have developed in China and how the trajectory has differed from the United States. We also looked at what the future holds for Chinese technology and some of the challenges facing the country.


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