Momenta Insights

Antonio Pellegrino I Digital Leadership Podcast | Mutable

Written by Ken Forster | February 12, 2020

Antonio Pellegrino’s foray into technology began in high school when he started his first computer services company. Antonio subsequently completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Technology Management from NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. Since graduating, Antonio has worked for and founded several technology companies and currently serves as the CEO of Mutable, which he launched in 2017.

In our conversation, Antonio and I delved into the differences between Public Edge Cloud (offered by Mutable) and Public Cloud in general, including a look at latency and cybersecurity. We then discussed how service providers help proliferate these technologies and elaborated on what types of organizations stand to benefit from effective Edge Cloud computing. Antonio then gave his thoughts on what the future holds for this kind of technology and touched on the impact of AR/VR.


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