Momenta Insights

Podcast #121: Discovery-Driven Digital Transformation

Written by Ken Forster | December 9, 2020


Find out what new capabilities organizations need to be successful in the digital economy?

In this week’s podcast, we interview Ryan McManus, a globally recognized expert speaker, writer, educator, and adviser on digital transformation, emerging technologies, and the future of strategy. 

Over the past 25 years, Ryan's focus has been on developing, designing and deploying new digital businesses, following the thread of emerging technology capabilities. During his career, Ryan served as President for Everything,  one of the world’s leading IoT Smart products platform company, was Strategy COO for Accenture’s digital transformation business. In his current role,  Ryan is the founder and CEO of Techtonic io, a strategic growth options SAAS platform.


Additional discussion points during this interview are: 

  • Given you pioneering work with Accenture on Digital Transformation thru 2015, what did you see as the primary challenges then – and now?
  • What are the similarities, in terms of the level of discovery you did early on, to that of Eric Reis in the seminal book "The Lead Startup"
  • What do you see as the key characteristics of effective digital leaders?
  • What are the new capabilities organizations need to be really good at to be successful in digital economy? 

Some book recommendations from Ryan:

And more….so make sure to tune in…. 


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