Momenta Insights

Ted Harrington | Digital Thread Podcast | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | May 4, 2022

Application Security Done Right

In this episode, Ken Forster speaks with Ted Harrington, author of the #1 bestseller, Hackable: How to Do Application Security Right. Ted is the leader of ethical hackers at Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), which assists businesses in developing better and more secure software. He is specialized in penetration testing, secure software development, and related areas of cybersecurity.

ISE is a community that rejects conventional thinking to make better and more securable technology. They have helped hundreds of companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Netflix fix security vulnerabilities. Ted has been featured in more than 100 media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Forbes. He has previously driven strategy for intentionally diverse entrepreneurial endeavors as CEO of technology start-up NMG, Director of Wolfpack Manufacturing, and CEO & Founder of W|Harrigton Ventures.

Ted's team founded and organizes IoT Village, an event whose hacking contest has produced three DEF CON black badges.



Discussion Points:

  • What would you consider to be your 'Digital Thread'?
  • Your biography revealed early entrepreneurial and political activism. My interest was piqued by the shift into the cybersecurity field. Is there a connection, and how did you become interested in cybersecurity?
  • You co-founded ISE in 2021, a company dedicated to protecting high-value assets for global enterprise, conducting groundbreaking security research. How did ISE begin?
  • Beyond simply hacking on automobiles, you also hacked iPhone, Android, medical, IoT, password managers, and even cryptocurrency wallets. If you had to summarize your white hat hacking experiences, what three key lessons would you take away?
  • You guys have done a lot of leadership work on something called IoT Village. It's an event whose hacking contest, produced three DEF CON black badges. Describe the cybersecurity ecosystem. What made you create it?
  • This idea of a rising tide, of thought leadership, is a big part of your community. By publishing your best-selling book, "Hackable: How to Do Application Security Right," you have clearly played a key role in this. What is the book's central thesis?
  • Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked. Moreover, their cyberattacks on Western nations have been unprecedented, affecting millions of people's lives. What have these brutal attacks taught us about critical infrastructure cybersecurity?
  • How has demand for your services changed in relation to OT systems and use cases?
  • What key technologies and trends are you keeping an eye on for the future?


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