Momenta Insights

Top 5 Digital Industry Insights Advisory | Momenta

Written by Ken Forster | January 13, 2022

From Innovators, Practitioners and Strategic Thinkers Across Industry


Momenta's Venture Capital, Talent, and Strategic Advisory practices invariably share the most up-to-date industry news, trends, and emerging technologies for Industrial Enterprises through blog posts, reports, and newsletters. 

Here are Momenta's Top 5 Digital Industry Insights for 2021:



Venture Industrialist vs. Capitalist

To invest successfully in Digital Industry, one must understand the specific dynamics of existing systems and processes, collaborate with traditional industrial or operational technology experts, and use the latest innovations in connectivity across a myriad of quickly evolving technologies.


Discussion points:

  • How does Momenta's investment thesis differ from a current venture capital firm?
  • What is the art of transforming established industries?
  • Where might there be opportunities in manufacturing?

View our on-demand webinar for additional information.



A Guide to Successfully Raising Venture Funding

Venture Investors are often the critical piece to fuel the growth trajectory of a startup from nascent stages through to a mature company. There's a great deal of value that "smart money" brings to the mix as well – and the edge that great venture investors contribute to can provide the difference propelling good to great. We explore how VCs add value through early stages to scaling the business to successful exit.


Discussion points:

  • Find out how "smart money" can make a difference and how exceptional venture capitalists can help turn good into outstanding.
  • Why is the investor's availability to provide experience critical for early-stage companies?
  • How the right investor can help complete the next round of fundraising.



ESG & Manufacturing

The ESG Imperative investigates the dynamics driving ESG fund growth. The Manufacturing sector, in particular, encompasses a broad array of sectors, specialties, geographic scope, and firm size – ranging from automobile makers to electronic component manufacturers to makers of heavy equipment, medical devices, tools, clothing, toys – even agriculture and food processing.


Discussion points:

  • What is manufacturing's environmental impact?
  • Why is there a growing focus on sustainability and how is it measured?
  • How to use emerging technologies to advance ESG objectives.

Click here to download our full ESG report!


The Impact and Lessons of Covid on OEMs

For many OEMs, Covid brought business to a standstill. More than half anticipated a change in their operations, and over one-third were facing supply chain disruptions.


Covid's widespread impact not only amplified the supply chain challenges but also highlighted problems across an OEM's entire business operations due to shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines:


This article is the first of a three-part series in which we: 

PART 1: Look at the impact & lessons of Covid on Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM),
PART 2: Examine some of the critical enablers of a post-Covid OEM world, and
PART 3: Discuss what future versions of OEMs, the so-called OEM X.0, might look like



Momenta and Advantech Launch AIoT Ecosystem Fund

Momenta Ventures partnered with Advantech, a global Industrial Intelligence leader, to launch the AIoT Ecosystem Fund, a target USD 50 million venture capital fund focused on digital industry. Aimed at early growth stage companies at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), the AIoT Ecosystem Fund will deliver venture capital investment and direct value-creation to innovators in North America and Europe.


The fund will invest in Series A and B, early growth stage companies, headquartered across North America and Europe, that provide digital solutions and technologies in the energy, manufacturing, smart spaces, and supply chain sectors.



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Momenta is the leading Digital Industry venture capital + growth firm accelerating deep tech and digital innovators across the Industrial IoT ecosystem, with particular emphasis in the energy, manufacturing, smart spaces, and supply chain sectors. Founded by deep industry operators, we've achieved more than 50 investments, guided 150 industry customers, and placed more than 250 executives. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our leading Venture Capital, Executive Talent & Strategic Advisory Connected Industry practices.