Geli is the go-to internet of energy solution for distributed resource management. Its end-to-end software platform streamlines the energy storage development process, offering the industry’s only solution for design, automation, and management.
Distributed, renewable energy is getting steam due to falling prices for wind and solar, fossil fuel concerns, and regulation. This trend is expected to continue, with generation becoming more and more dispersed and focused on harvesting energy from every possible source.
However, these new energy resources pose several challenges: the energy power flow is unstable and unpredictable, they need to be managed both from an asset and fleet perspective and harmonized with other energy sources. Energy storage play a key role in solving these issues.
GELI has been one of the early leaders in this space by developing software platform that links dispersed energy storage systems into a virtual power plant, completely revolutionizing how utility companies operate. It has developed an advanced smart energy platform to design, monitor, manage, and coordinate distributed energy resources, including storage, power systems and the grid to provide savings and resiliency. The platform is also extendible via Energy Apps to address specific use-cases of the smart energy industry. As GELI continues to build upon its energy analytics and aggregation capabilities to remain a go-to internet of energy solution equipped with full lifecycle energy tools and services.