InSkill is the world’s first Autonomous Support platform. It uses data-driven AI to identify and answer customer queries, all without human intervention and addressing the low effectiveness and high cost of traditional customer support by continuously monitoring IoT products and providing preventative maintenance, warning clients or service engineers about potential issues that may occur, and providing possible solutions.
The “as-a service” economy is still more hype than reality in the industrial equipment world, but some trends start to appear in the market. While equipment become commoditized, and more and more features are now being enabled by software in the form of value-added services, customers’ expectation for higher quality and less down time is growing, forcing companies to provide fast, efficient and effective assistance. Uptime, frictionless customer support and high service level standards are the foundation of the as-a-service economy. Overall, customer support is a very costly but critical function for enterprises and nowadays negative reviews could dictate life or death for enterprises. To ensure brand loyalty and strong reputation companies while limiting costs, companies need new tools and technologies to address customer needs.
Founded by Connected Industry veterans Dale Calder and Jim Hansen (formerly founders of Axeda, exited to PTC), InSkill (formerly RevTwo) addresses the low effectiveness and high cost of traditional customer support by bridging the three major IT disciplines – service management, performance management, and automation. By leveraging operational and environmental data generated by smart products and apps, InSkill deliver contextualized and data-driven support to end-users.
By continuously monitoring IoT products, InSkill provides preventative maintenance, warns clients or service engineers about potential issues that may occur, and provides possible solutions. It enables all companies to perform remote support operations, including repair, troubleshooting, and other customer operations in a safe and secure manner and leverages in-product ML-powered chatbot, chat, VoIP, screen sharing and community knowledge.